February 14, 2019
Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day means different things to different people. Whether or not you are in a loving relationship can affect whether or not you look forward to the holiday, dread it, or feel indifferent. I usually use the 'Hallmark holiday' as a reminder to tell the people in my life that I love them, and how important they are to me.
This year I am traveling away from my husband. Since one of his desires is that I cook dinner more often, I arranged for him to get a surprise delivery of dinner right to his door, after he got home from work. I even remembered to include a dessert and drinks, and I was able to talk the man at the restaurant into including a Valentine's Day note. I just spent five days in Atlanta with my business-building cohort and with friends. We had a lot of deep conversation, hugs, laughter, hugs, celebrations, and Oh, did I say hugs? Today I am delighted to spend the afternoon and evening with one of my dearest friends.
However you are spending Valentine's Day, I am wishing you a wonderful day filled with abundance, laughter, love and joy.
Thank you for all the ways you are making a difference.

Terri Werner Founder & President, Energy Flow Consulting
P.S. Please feel free to share my newsletter by forwarding this email!
Find Your Tribe and Love Them Hard
The way to build the life of your dreams is to build a high-quality support network.
I just spent several days in Atlanta with the business-building cohort I have spent the past year with. Such an amazing group of smart, talented, generous, supportive people who are all making a positive difference in the world.
Being an entrepreneur is hard, and it can often feel lonely. Over the past year we have learned together, challenged each other, shared ideas and resources, encouraged each other, shared deep sorrows, and cheered on each other's celebrations and accomplishments.
Having this fabulous support network has not only taken my 'inner game' and business to a new level, it's had a profound effect on my life. The joy of giving and supporting others means as much to me as the gratitude of receiving. Some of my 'business colleagues' have become dear friends. I am profoundly grateful.
"Find your tribe and love them hard."
What qualities, values and characteristics are important to you, in the people you surround yourself with?
How are you nurturing those relationships?
How are you expressing your gratitude?
How are you supporting them?
How can you find more people to bring into your network of support?
What's one thing you could do right now, to express your gratitude to someone who has supported you?

One of my friends and colleagues, Marcia Dolgin, is a master photographer. She is offering a 5-day FREE Challenge to learn how to take better photos. If you sign up for this program you will have fun and learn lots of tips about how to take better photos.
When I participated in the Challenge, one of the things I learned is that you take better photos of things you love. Taking photos is driven by your heart, which has 5000 times more vibration than any other part of your body. Isn't that fascinating?
Learn more with me by participating in Marcia's next challenge, which starts on Monday, February 18th!
Click here to sign up for the Camera Control Mastery program!
Additional Resources can be found on my website
Click here to explore

Because of my deep sense of responsibility to the interdependent web we all create, I am committed to inspiring others to be their best self and make a positive impact in the world, wherever they choose to serve.
My mission is to inspire you to see new possibilities, believe in yourself and your capability, have the courage to try the previously unimaginable, and move from ordinary to extraordinary in both your personal and professional life!
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