Happy New Year!
Would you like to generate powerful energy for what you want to create in 2022?
I love the milestone of the passing from one year to the next.
It’s a perfect time to reflect back on the past year…. And then look forward to consciously create your year ahead. With all of the turbulence in our countries and in the world, more than ever we are all needed to step up and play the role that is uniquely ours to play.
It’s time to share your talents, skills and gifts with a world that desperately needs them.
Future-oriented, solution-focused questions can generate powerful energy to create what we want in our lives.
CLICK HERE to download the 2022 New Year Reflection Questions 
My holiday gift to you is my favorite questions for transitioning from one year to the next. You can edit them or add your own to make this activity meaningful for you, your family, and your teams.
I encourage you to keep the questions handy, and answer them frequently - all year long!
Please share the questions with whomever you like. I love hearing about how these questions are used and what opens up for you, so please send me a message and let me know!
There is more information in the article below.
Enjoy !! 
2022 New Year Reflection
December 21, 2021
I am writing this on the winter solstice – the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. It’s a perfect transition time to think about what we want to let go of in our life, and be intentional about what we want to create in the year ahead. 2021 was another challenging year for so many people. There may be many things you might like to let go of and put behind you! And many hopes and dreams you have for your year ahead.
Personally, I am easing back into work after a 7-month ‘hiatus.’ Part of it was planned, and things we knew would be stressful: selling our beloved home, buying a new home that is brimming with new possibilities, and making an international move from Europe back to the U.S. Part of it was unexpected: a sudden illness and two months of exploration for the cause and healing, the added layers of challenges with trying to ‘take care of business’ during COVID times, and the many joys, blessings and ‘earth angels’ we encountered along the way.

For decades I have been teaching clients that where we focus our attention affects our flow of energy, which affects our performance, innovation and the flow of collaboration. We know it’s one thing to learn and understand a new approach of forward-focused, solution-oriented conversation. It’s another thing to overcome years of ingrained thinking and doing, and develop new habits of speaking and being that ‘stick.’ When we do make this deeper transformational change we can accomplish goals faster and easier with so much less stress and more enjoyment! We can turn conflict into collaboration, and create breakthrough results that are sustainable.
Every morning I wake up feeling gratitude that last fall I was introduced to the Positive Intelligence (PQ) program and I embarked on my journey to become a PQ Certified Coach. PQ is the ‘mental fitness’ training we need to make changes in our brain that ‘stick,’ so we can boost our performance, improve our wellbeing, and strengthen our relationships.
Although our brain is our best friend, we can sometimes get stuck in ‘Saboteur’ mode and be plagued with self-doubt, self-judgment, judgment of others, and behaviors that on the surface mean well but actually impede the achievement of our goals or make things worse instead of better. Always, they create stress.
Learning how to interrupt my Saboteurs and shift to the creative ‘Sage’ part of my brain is what got me through the past year. I am astonished at how different I feel, how I navigate life’s stressors with much more ease, and the added lightness in my relationships. The more I strengthen my Sage Powers of Empathy, Explore, Navigate, Innovate and Action the more empowered and effective I feel, and I feel more peace and joy. I can stay in Sage during bigger stressors, better navigate thorny conversations, and more quickly adapt and 'pivot as things around me change.
I can’t count the number of times I have heard someone say: “PQ has changed my life.” I am super-excited that in 2022 I will be sharing PQ wisdom and strategies that will help people transform their lives and create the results they have been longing for.
Want to learn more? When you click to receive my New Year Reflection questions, be sure to check the box: “Yes, I also wish to receive other incredible free resources and exclusive offers.” You can always unsubscribe.

The world is full of challenges and our old ways of coping are no longer adequate. People, teams and organizations must learn how to become ‘adaptively resilient’ for us to survive and to thrive. Sometimes everything that needs to change feels overwhelming, and things seem very dark. On this winter solstice, as more light gradually returns we anticipate our days getting brighter and brighter. I think this is an appropriate analogy for our hopes and dreams of ‘brighter’ days ahead. It’s crucial that we ‘stay in Sage’ and maintain this hope. Remember that when we each show up as our best self and do something positive every day, collectively we will change the world -- one thought, one word, one action at a time, as long as we stay focused on what we want to create. This ‘forward focus’ approach is the foundation of my New Year Reflection questions.
For many years my annual tradition has been sharing these questions with family, friends, and colleagues. So many people have told me they love these annual questions, and I am delighted to offer them again so you can share them with the people in your life.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and I am wishing you a year filled with abundance, laughter, peace, love and joy.
THANK YOU for all the ways you are making a difference.
To your success,

Terri Werner Founder & President, Energy Flow Consulting
P.S. Please feel free to share my newsletter by forwarding this email!
Additional Resources can be found on my website
CLICK HERE to explore

Because of my deep sense of responsibility to the interdependent web we all create, I am committed to inspiring others to be their best self and make a positive impact in the world, wherever they choose to serve.
My mission is to inspire you to see new possibilities, believe in yourself and your capability, have the courage to try the previously unimaginable, and move from ordinary to extraordinary in both your personal and professional life!
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