EFC Mental Fitness Program Testimonials
"The PQ Program was an inspiring and empowering journey for me! It made me more aware of my thoughts and emotion patterns, and where they come from. I am now more present, less reactive, and more accepting in my relationships. It gave me tools to tap into my inner wisdom and increased my ability to respond to work and life challenges with clarity, creativity, and calm. What I appreciated a lot is the practical manner in which the program is organized, the daily structured practices, the simple and powerful tools and techniques, all of these facilitating long-lasting change, making possible new positive behaviors and mindset. I loved Terri’s warm, empathic, engaging, nonjudgmental and very supportive presence. I greatly benefited from the community Pod approach: a space of experience sharing, reflection on practice, and mutual encouragement. I highly recommend the program to anyone looking for more accomplishment, confidence, energy, and joy in their work and in their life!" ~ Georgiana Neuman, Executive Director, ACSIS Association |
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Your PQ training is amazing and I'm forever grateful you shared PQ with us! I wholeheartedly recommend this program Terri is offering. PQ Mental Fitness is the most effective, practical, fast and sustainable path I've ever experienced for gaining the calm, confident, laser-focused mindset that successful entrepreneurship requires. It's genuinely a game-changer for business and life.
~ Marlene Elizabeth, Certified Money Coach, Author & Mamapreneur, MONEYWINGS™
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"I highly recommend the PQ program with Terri to anyone who is experiencing frustration, negativity, lack of self-confidence, issues with their life and performance in general, or troubles with their relationships with either their loved ones or work colleagues etc. Doing this program has helped me to not only reduce my stress levels and improve my performance in many areas, but most importantly it allowed me to have a much better quality of life. Being able to share my thoughts and troubles in a safe environment with a supportive group has had a major impact on the success of this program and my personal development overall. I have gone from a frustrated, angry, dissatisfied, negative thinking, stressed woman to a calm, nice, happy, effective, balanced and self-confident human being. Doing this program under the guidance and leadership of Terri has been life changing and life enhancing. I like myself and my life so much more now!!!" ~ Alexandra: wife, mother, and self-employed globetrotter |
The neurological benefits are wonderful! The wholeness of my inner child was an important shift as well.
Terri is an amazing coach. Her honesty about her own experience with using the program and
her expansive knowledge base enriches the program results for her clients.I highly recommend this program and highly endorse Terri Werner as the coach to guide any client
through a rich understanding and application of the many layers of the PQ program.~ Tricia Hopkins, Human Resources Manager
"PQ has definitely reduced situations where I am feeling challenged in dealing with others, whether at work or in personal relationships. Naming my Saboteurs and interrupting them with PQ repping truly helps to bring my wiser self forward. I am able to be more present, listen better, and affirm others more. I feel less anxious in difficult situations. PQ seems really different. It seems like something I will be able to always carry with me. As Shirzad said, I am changing my operating system! I have tools to deal with my anxiety about anticipated challenging meetings. I am calmer going into meetings and I am a better listener. I am connecting much better with others in many different types of situations by simply PQ repping (looking into their eyes). As a coach, Terri is very good at cutting through the BS in a very gentle way. She knows how to get right to the heart of the matter in a completely palatable way." ~ HR Director |
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After doing the PQ program, I am able to intercept negativity and Saboteurs more quickly.
I am calmer. I have more clarity and I am asking for what I need.What I loved about the weekly group meetings is we had honest conversations about what
is really going on for each of us and practical application of the PQ learning.Terri is and has always been a sincere person. Her authentic example is powerful in itself.
She not only has the knowledge, she gently teaches it in a practical and meaningful way.~ Patricia L. Angulo, President, EdTrainU Inc.