EFC Mental Fitness Program

Change Leaders…

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed by all the bad news you hear every day, and how big and hopeless the problems seem to be?

In today’s fast-paced world we are surrounded by change, ambiguity, conflict, and complex challenges that have serious implications.

We are running out of time to solve urgent and important problems, and our old ways of coping are no longer adequate.

And we all have the challenges of just navigating daily life. We have more to tend to than we can possibly do in the time we have available.

Maintaining good relationships takes presence and intention, which can sometimes take us out of our comfort zone. Often other people are feeling tense and overwhelmed, so they go to fear and negativity which doesn’t lead to healthy dialogue and productive solutions.

It seems like everyone is feeling the stress, and it’s coming out in our daily interactions and affecting our relationships, our performance, and our health.

For humanity to survive and to thrive, regardless of your situation, we need leadership behavior from everyone to shift our focus forward toward what we want and how to get there.

We need every person to show up as their best self and contribute to positive solutions.

The good news is: Regardless of your position  in your workplace, at home or in your communities  YOU CAN PLAY A LEADERSHIP ROLE IN EVERY CONVERSATION YOU HAVE!


I teach people how to have conversations that dramatically speed up the process of change, turn conflict into collaboration, and lead to breakthrough results that are sustainable.

But this is hard to do when:

  • we are feeling tired, overwhelmed, worried, sad, or angry.
  • we have thoughts and emotions that hold us back and keep us stuck.
  • our energy and creativity are drained by conflicts.
  • we are feeling frustrated and annoyed with other people who ‘won’t get on board,’ or don’t follow through on what they said they would do.

Sometimes we sabotage ourselves and we don’t even know we are doing it!


Take the free Saboteur Assessment Now!



My Mission is to INSPIRE YOU to SEE new possibilities, BELIEVE in yourself and your capability, have the COURAGE to try the previously unimaginable, and MOVE from ordinary to extraordinary in both your personal and professional life.

How can you be more effective, have more impact, and inspire others in a difficult world?

You must be intentional about how you 'show up’ ~  in your life, and in every conversation you have, even if it’s just the conversations you have with yourself.

To thrive in today’s constantly changing and challenging world we must learn how to be ‘adaptively resilient’ and how to be a more powerful presence for positive change.


This requires changing long-practiced habitual ways of thinking and being. The most powerful and effective way I have found to do that is with small daily practices that over time actually change the neural pathways in our brain and help us create a new ‘way of being’ that is far more likely to get the health, relationship, and performance results we desire.


We need to strengthen our ‘mental fitness’ ~ our ability to handle the challenges of daily life with a positive mindset and more quickly recover from inevitable setbacks. This enables us to accomplish our goals faster and easier, with less stress and more enjoyment. 



The Positive Intelligence® (PQ®) Mental Fitness Program is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.

Positive Intelligence® is the leading online Mental Fitness training company founded on the breakthrough research of Stanford lecturer and New York Times bestselling author Shirzad Chamine.

Research with 500,000 participants has shown your level of mental fitness to be the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential. 80% of people score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance and happiness.

The great news? You can improve your mental fitness significantly within 6-8 weeks of practice.

This is inside-out transformational change that improves every aspect of your life and your work. As a PQ® Coach I love guiding participants through this powerful experience and seeing the changes my clients are making in their lives.


Learning how to shift from the ‘Saboteur’ part of your brain to the ‘Sage’ part of your brain will empower you to:

 Act in alignment with your integrity, vision and values.

 Create measurable shifts in your brain performance.

 Use how the brain works to your advantage.

 Move out of overwhelm.

 Feel inspired and energized.

 Enjoy improved clarity and happiness.

 Experience more hope and optimism.

 Have greater ease and flow.

 Have the power to choose your way of being regardless of what is happening around you.

 Improve your relationships and your wellbeing.

 Take calm, clear, focused action.

 Be more effective and increase your impact.

 Save time, energy, and resources.

 Create an ‘influential presence’ that shifts the energy of every conversation you have.

 Turn conflict into collaboration.

 Inspire others to enact positive change.



"Individuals with a growth mindset – those who are not discouraged in the face of a challenge, who think positively, and who are not afraid to make or admit mistakes – are able to learn and adjust faster and more easily overcome obstacles."

~ Carol Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford University



How it works:

Daily Practice

15 minutes/day of app-guided practice enables you to build stronger mental muscles (neural pathways). These exercises are bite-sized to fit your busy schedule and customized based on how you self-sabotage.

Weekly Focus

Weekly hour-long videos deliver deep experiential exploration of the week’s focus. You’ll feel inspired and energized to practice during the week in order to sustain the benefits experienced during the video sessions.

Measurable Progress

You’ll feel motivated through instant feedback on exactly how much progress you’re making toward building the 3 core muscles of mental fitness. Brain rewiring may be visible in MRI imaging within 8 weeks.

Community Support

We help you establish a support and accountability group with other program participants. Research has shown this to be a critical success factor for establishing lasting new positive habits of the mind.

There are life-long applications to your health, relationships, parenting, career planning, emotional intelligence, conflict management, creativity, leadership, performance, and more.



What's included in the Energy Flow 8-week Mental Fitness Program:


 Exclusive PQ® App with access to:

• PQ® Mental Fitness Gym
• Weekly 1-hour videos recorded by Positive Intelligence® (PQ) founder, Shirzad Chamine
• Audiobook: ‘Positive Intelligence®’ read by Shirzad Chamine
• Worldwide PQ® Community Chat
• Tracking of Daily Progress
• PQ® Muscle Fitness Level Tracking

 Private 1:1 support from your coach via a secure Client Portal

 Welcome & Orientation Group Session

 Weekly Group Coaching Session

 Peer Learning and Support

 Three Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions


After the 8-week program, you will retain access to all of the program content AND additional application modules  for ONE YEAR.

You will also have an option to continue in a membership program with additional content and growth with community learning and support.


Take the free Saboteur Assessment Now!



Discover what is holding you back!

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate stress and negative emotions in the way you handle life’s everyday challenges. They are automatic patterns in your mind for how to think, feel and respond, and they cause stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness.

They sabotage your potential for both happiness and high performance.

Your first step is to take the Free Saboteur Assessment to discover your top Saboteurs, and how they are impacting your life.

After you have read your assessment results, if you would like to learn more: book a complimentary 45-minute ‘Discovery Call’ with me.

We will focus on debriefing the results of your Saboteur Assessment, and how your top Saboteurs are affecting your life.

Then if you are interested, I will tell you more about the upcoming Mental Fitness program so you can decide if it’s a good fit for you.


To Read What Past Participants Say CLICK HERE


About Your Guide, Terri Werner…

I discovered the Positive Intelligence® program in the midst of the COVID pandemic in 2020. Our life circumstances were thrust into complete uncertainty, and my husband and I were dislocated for 7.5 months with no idea when we would be allowed to return to where we were living overseas, or when life would ‘return to normal.’

I was still recovering from the sudden loss of my beloved sister, and with our move I had been separated from all of my wonderful support networks. Despite my decades of insatiable learning which had given me much wisdom and many techniques, this situation of extreme stress was straining all of my known coping strategies. And despite all of the deep transformational work I had done, old childhood patterns I had thought were healed bubbled to the surface.

I was skeptical of the PQ® program at first, but because of the strong recommendation of many coaches I knew and trusted, I took a leap of faith. I discovered that having an App in my phone, prompting me to do simple 2-minute exercises several times a day, over time actually created lasting changes in my brain. When I realized how life-changing this program is, I began the journey of becoming a PQ® Coach to share this amazing program with others.

I am sometimes amazed at how calm I am, and how I now navigate life’s stressors and unexpected changes with much more ease and flow.

Most importantly, I feel like I have the inner resources and strength to face the world’s challenges in a way that can bring hope and optimism to others in these scary, complex, and contentious times.

I want to support people who are passionate about solving serious problems that affect people, the planet, and our future generations so we can all thrive.


The world needs you to be your best self now.

Thank you. I am beaming you a deep bow of gratitude and appreciation for all the ways you are making a difference.

I look forward to meeting you and talking about how I may support you in achieving the outcomes you have been longing for.


You can learn more about me here:




© 2023 Positive Intelligence, LLC. All rights reserved. No reproduction, alteration, translation, publication, or distribution, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without the express prior written consent of Positive Intelligence, LLC. POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®, PQ®, CERTIFIED PQ COACH™, PQ COACH™ and P+ logo™ are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC.

DISCLAIMERS:  The coach identified herein is an independent member of the PQ Coach program, and not an employee, agent, or representative of Positive Intelligence, LLC. The coaching program offered herein is independently owned and operated by the coach and is not affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by Positive Intelligence, LLC.




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